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Be YOU…it’s what I try to teach my girls everyday. Be the best YOU!! Think of others higher than yourselves. Sounds easy…but in reality hard to do.
Sometimes in the midst of busy-ness and business …in between lifes ups and downs…it’s hard to take time to slow down and figure out who YOU are and who YOU want to be.
Kendra and I drove out to Mountain Loop Highway and galavanted through the forest…both of us taking time to reflect on our own lives. Sharing what connects us with others and where we fall short. Where we long to change and how growing pains really can be painful yet in the end so rewarding.
I watched a movie last night and one of the lines that stood out to me…’there are no dead ends if it gets you to where you are suppose to be’…if in the end we stretch and grow I believe it is worth it.
Kendra you are a light. Your smile and energy are contagious. The way you stood out in that forest is how you are in life. You make a difference. You have made a difference to me.
About the session...
Being spontaneous is something I love...random stops on the side of the road, chasing the light, standing on tree trunks that may or may not cave in.
Dresses that twirl and swirl and effortlessly flow as you float or maybe fall over branches and sticker bushes.
Climbing and crawling past 'no trespassing' signs, mattresses and old vcr tapes to capture Gods beauty!!
So worth it!