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This family...we have known them for over 14 years...been in church groups, worked together, exercised together, were pregnant together...let's just say we have been through a lot together!

They have since moved from Seattle to Boise, ID, but somehow I think we maybe closer than ever. I love that they still have me do their family photos each year and this year Bob and I travelled together for a weekend get away to enjoy Rob & Christy's company and take their photos! Christie scoped out this awesome alley and wall area in downtown Boise and of course I was in heaven. Bob taught Skyler how to work a yo-yo so Skyler was thrilled to be able to have it in his pics. Aiden, Skyler and Liam have a little piece of my heart. Laughing, wrestling and being boys...they actually admitted to having a bit of fun while we were photographing. I think Rob loved it too he just won't admit it...having his hot wife with him in the pics certainly helped!

I loved being able to stay with them, playing hair and makeup artist to Christie and having such a fun area to photograph. We love you Siemons Family!!! Till next time...Boise I love all you offer! 04.10.15