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He has a monotone voice, except when she's around. He keeps his sense of humor under wraps, unless she's in the room. He reserves his smiles for when she glances at him.
I grew up with Evan...well ok, babysitting him. Being my cousin, it came with the territory of small town, family, and good practice for learning responsibility. He is a man of few words but when he does talk I must say it is either funny or wise.
Evan I saw a side of you on your wedding that made me smile. You seemed carefree and so incredibly joyful.
As Bob hassled you about how he has never seen you smile so replied, 'I have been saving it all for today'. Chealsey is one lucky lady.
I don't know Cheasley very well but from what I gather from the speeches from friends and family she is energetic, smart and kind hearted. Her smile lights up a room and makes you smile. I see how she looks at you and it makes me happy for you!
I was honored you asked Bob and I to photograph your wedding day. Not only was it a privilege to document your day but I loved that it was a completely different season than we have in WA right now.
You two compliment each other and it's obvious you not only love each other but you care deeply for each others needs.
Have a fabulous honeymoon and enjoy the pics! xo much love